Results for 'Carla Fabiana Chiasserini'

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  1.  31
    Self-Managed 5G Networks 1.Jorge Martín-Pérez, Lina Magoula, Kiril Antevski, Carlos Guimarães, Jorge Baranda, Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Andrea Sgambelluri, Chrysa Papagianni, Andrés García-Saavedra, Ricardo Martínez, Francesco Paolucci, Sokratis Barmpounakis, Luca Valcarenghi, Claudio EttoreCasetti, Xi Li, Carlos J. Bernardos, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Koen De Schepper, Panagiotis Kontopoulos, Nikolaos Koursioumpas, Corrado Puligheddu, Josep Mangues-Bafalluy & Engin Zeydan - 2021 - In Ahmad Alnafessah, Gabriele Russo Russo, Valeria Cardellini, Giuliano Casale & Francesco Lo Presti, Communication Networks and Service Management in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Wiley. pp. 69-100.
    Meeting 5G high bandwidth rates, ultra-low latencies, and high reliabilities requires of network infrastructures that automatically increase/decrease the resources based on their customers’ demand. An autonomous and dynamic management of a 5G network infrastructure represents a challenge, as any solution must account for the radio access network, data plane traffic, wavelength allocation, network slicing, and network functions’ orchestration. Furthermore, federation among administrative domains (ADs) must be considered in the network management. Given the increased dynamicity of 5G networks, artificial intelligence/machine learning (...)
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  2. Care biography: A concept analysis.Matthew Tieu, Regina Allande-Cussó, Aileen Collier, Tom Cochrane, Maria A. Pinero de Plaza, Michael Lawless, Rebecca Feo, Lua Perimal-Lewis, Carla Thamm, Jeroen M. Hendriks, Jane Lee, Stacey George, Kate Laver & Alison Kitson - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    In this article, we investigate how the concept of Care Biography and related concepts are understood and operationalised and describe how it can be applied to advancing our understanding and practice of holistic and person‐centred care. Walker and Avant's eight‐step concept analysis method was conducted involving multiple database searches, with potential or actual applications of Care Biography identified based on multiple discussions among all authors. Our findings demonstrate Care Biography to be a novel overarching concept derived from the conjunction of (...)
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    Ideología y subjetivación desde una intervención filosófica materialista. Lectura sintomática y crítica. Resumen de Tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía de Fabiana Parra.Fabiana Parra - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 52 (1):e049.
    Ideología y subjetivación desde una intervención filosófica materialista. Lectura sintomática y crítica. Resumen de Tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía de Fabiana Parra.
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    A new food security approach? Continuity and novelty in the European Union’s turn to preparedness.Luigi Pellizzoni, Laura Centemeri, Maura Benegiamo & Carla Panico - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    Preparedness is an anticipatory approach developed in the military and health sectors in response to unforeseen and unforeseeable crises and emergencies. It has recently entered the debate over the resilience and sustainability of European food systems. The paper seeks to shed light on the implications of the European Union's adoption of preparedness in its food security policy, particularly focusing on the preparatory phase and the early activity the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (EFSCM), a consultative body launched (...)
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  5. A new food security approach? Continuity and novelty in the European Union’s turn to preparedness.Luigi Pellizzoni, Laura Centemeri, Maura Benegiamo & Carla Panico - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):89-105.
    Preparedness is an anticipatory approach developed in the military and health sectors in response to unforeseen and unforeseeable crises and emergencies. It has recently entered the debate over the resilience and sustainability of European food systems. The paper seeks to shed light on the implications of the European Union's adoption of preparedness in its food security policy, particularly focusing on the preparatory phase and the early activity the European Food Security Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism (EFSCM), a consultative body launched (...)
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    ‘Why Is the Chubby Guy Running?’: Trans Pregnancy, Fatness, and Cultural Intelligibility.Francis Ray White, Ruth Pearce, Damien W. Riggs, Carla A. Pfeffer & Sally Hines - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):415-430.
    Since the late 2000s trans pregnancy has received increasing public and academic attention, and stories of the ‘pregnant man’ have become a media staple. Existing research has critiqued such spectacularization and the supposed tension between maleness, masculinity, and pregnancy that underpins it. Extending that work, this article draws on interview data from an international study of trans reproductive practices and analyzes participants' experiences of being, and expecting themselves to be, perceived in public space not as spectacularly ‘pregnant men’, but as (...)
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    Supporting Stewardship: Funding, Utilization, and Sustainability as Ethical Concerns in Networked Biobanking.R. Jean Cadigan, Roselle Ponsaran, Carla Rich, Josie Timmons, Kyle B. Brothers & Aaron J. Goldenberg - 2025 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 16 (1):42-51.
    Background The literature on the ethics of biobanking often overlooks the practical operations of biobanks. The ethics of stewardship requires that biobank resources are used to conduct beneficial science. Networked biobanks have emerged to increase the scientific benefit of biobank resources, but little is known about whether and how operations of networking may accomplish this goal.Methods As part of a larger study on the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of networked biobanking, we conducted 38 interviews with representatives of 31 (...)
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  8.  13
    Reflexões Sobre a Pedagogia Franciscana e a Formação de Educadores.Adriana Dal Molin, Carla Camargo da Fonseca, Éderson Perera Coitinho, Gilvanete de Castro de Soares, Letícia Cavalheiro Borges & Maria Helena Rodrigues de Figueirôa - 2024 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 17 (33):85-91.
    The formative experiences carried out throughout the Franciscan Itinerary reveal that reflection on Franciscan Pedagogy and the respective role of educators in Franciscan institutions must be constant and in dialogue with practice, aiming for actions that characterize education based on principles, values, and attitudes. Therefore, it is necessary to know and delve into the life of Saint Francis of Assisi beyond the knowledge of Franciscan humanism, so that its values are intertwined with personal values, becoming foundations for pedagogical practice.
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    Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional Em Tempos de Covid-19: Impactos Na África, América Latina e Portugal.Maitu Abibo Buanango, Lilian Fernanda Galesi-Pacheco, Yudi Paulina Garcia Ramirez, Cristina Amaro da Costa, Jaqueline Sgarbi Santos, Ana Pinto de Loura & Carla Maria Vieira - 2020 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 12 (16):100-117.
    Economic and sanitary crises have great repercussions on access to food and the health of the population. In this context, austerity policies can have devastating effects on social rights. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the impact of various types of crises on the Human Right to Adequate Food and Nutrition (DHANA) and on Food and Nutritional Security (SAN) of vulnerable populations and to identify of public policies, programs and actions developed based on the relief of the (...)
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    Individual differences impact memory for a crime: A study on executive functions resources.Fabiana Battista, Henry Otgaar, Tiziana Lanciano & Antonietta Curci - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84:103000.
  11. Visions of Infancy. A Reading of Jona Oberski, Infancy.Fabiana Carvalho - 2007 - Childhood and Philosophy 3 (5):85-101.
    Of Jewish-German origin, Jona Oberski was born in Amersterdam. During the Nazi rule that coincided with her childhood she was arrested by the Germans and deported to the Bergen-Belsin concentration camp after having also spent time in the Westerbork camp. While at Belsen her father died at the camp, and her mother later died in 1945, after the liberation. Oberski was adopted by a couple from Amsterdam, and years later dedicated herself to the studying of Physics, the area in which (...)
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    Folksonomia no contexto LGBTQIA+.Sergio Rodrigues de Santana, Raimunda Fernanda Santos, Maytê Luanna Dias de Melo & Carla Daniella Teixeira Girard - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (2):151-173.
    Tem como objetivo refletir acerca do preconceito e da discriminação no âmbito das práticas colaborativas de representação de conteúdos por meio da Folksonomia. A pesquisa possui caráter qualitativo e a hermenêutica enquanto método, aliado à interdisciplinaridade de campos e de teorias. Quando não considerados no âmbito da Folksonomia, o preconceito e a discriminação emergem como uma gap epistêmica, uma vez que ambos podem se apropriar da Folksonomia para prosperar. Destaca que a Folksonomia não pressupõe a imposição de regras para a (...)
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  13. Um lugar de memória: as tropas na correspondência de Simón Bolívar.Fabiana de Sousa Fredrigo - 2007 - In Elio Cantalício Serpa & Marcos Antonio de Menezes, Escritas da história: narrativa, arte e nação. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais: EDUFU.
  14. L'insostenibile impudicizia dell'essere: i gradi dell'organico tra autoesibizione e nascondimento.Fabiana Gambardella - 2016 - In Gianluca Giannini & Paolo Amodio, Esercizi di antropologia filosofica. Napoli: Giannini editore.
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  15. Dynamic cities and Rigid laws? reflections on the role of law(s) in creating livable cities.Ulrich Heisserer Hanjo Hamann, Isable Kusche Nkatha Kabira, Petra Liedl Irina Kuznetsova & Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura Tom Kushe - 2025 - In Eliezer Rabinovici, Laws: rigidity and dynamics. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte..
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    Identificação e Intervenção Em Atitudes de Risco de Usuários de Uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição.Fabiana Kurokawa Hasimoto & Flavia Queiroga Aranha - 2019 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 11 (15):21-28.
    The study aimed to identify risk attitudes of users of the Food and Nutrition Unit (UAN)located in Botucatu, SP; correlate them to food safety and to observe if there were behavioral changes after indirect educational intervention. This is an exploratory qualitative analysis study, using a non-participant observation technique. Initially, we sought to identify the most common risk attitudes among users, to develop educational materials relating the conduct during self-service to the possible risks of contamination, and thus to verify if there (...)
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  17.  41
    Avós/cuidadoras e seus netos com deficiência: uma experiência em musicoterapia.Fabiana Leite Rabello Mariano & Geraldo A. Fiamenghi Jr - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:138-150.
    Membros da família extensa, como avós, podem auxiliar a aliviar o estresse causado pelo nascimento de uma criança com deficiência. Estudos sugerem que os avos sejam incluídos em programas de intervenção. Também foi comprovado que a musicoterapia é útil para lidar com dificuldades emocionais. O objet..
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    Mariflor Aguilar Rivero, El persistente sujeto. Interpelación/identificación de Althusser a Butler.Fabiana Parra - 2021 - Dianoia 66 (87):186-189.
    Resumen En esta nota crítica presento un análisis de los materiales textuales que constituyen el capítulo 19 de la serie Early Greek Philosophy de A. Laks y G. Most dedicado a Parménides. Después de comparar cuantitativamente los textos de este capítulo con las ediciones de H. Diels y A.H. Coxon, así como de precisar cuáles son los textos "nuevos" que figuran en esta edición y las formas en que los editores decidieron presentarlos, ofrezco algunas consideraciones sobre el concepto mismo de (...)
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  19. On Logos, Pathos and Ethos in Judicial Argumentation.Fabiana Pinho - 2018 - In Nuno M. M. S. Coelho & Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer, Aristotle on Emotions in Law and Politics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Il concetto di contemporaneo tra filosofia e scienze.Fabiana Russo - 2022 - Firenze: Le lettere.
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    Diderot e a educação como projeto de Estado.Fabiana Tamizari - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (69):1401-1432.
    * Doutora em Educação, Arte e História da Cultura pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Servidora na Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Colaboradora da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. Diderot e a educação como projeto de Estado Resumo: O Iluminismo, além de movimento intelectual, também se traduziu em intensa atividade política, sendo uma das faces desta ação o despotismo esclarecido: fruto da aliança entre filósofos, que buscavam divulgar seus ideais, e monarcas absolutistas, empenhados em melhorar a sua imagem pública. A (...)
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  22. Comparatives combined with additive particles.Carla Umbach - unknown
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    O substrato histórico material para uma reflexão da relação entre Design e Educação.Fabiana Marques Jeremias Leite Vaz - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (2):p - 86.
    Nesta breve comunicação, buscamos reconstituir, dialética e politicamente, os contextos históricos da produção institucional do Design Industrial diante dos processos econômicos e sociais da eclosão e afirmação do modo de produção capitalista e seus mecanismos materiais e sócio-políticos, a partir do manejo e consideração das categorias, conceitos e formas de analisar determinado fenômeno, próprias do campo da Filosofia da Educação. This communication, we seek to reconstruct, dialectic and politically, the historical contexts of institutional production of Industrial Design on the economic (...)
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  24.  12
    Legal philosophical library : an international bibliography of philosophy and theory of law.Carla Faralli & Enrico Pattaro - 1984 - Milano: A. Giuffre.
  25.  17
    Ethical reflections on children’s participation in educational research during humanitarian crises.Fabiana Maglio & Tejendra Pherali - 2020 - Research Ethics 16 (1-2):1-19.
    This paper aims to reflect upon ethical dilemmas arising from educational research in humanitarian contexts, particularly when involving children. In recognition of the paucity of knowledge on how...
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  26.  21
    Emotional Induction Through Music: Measuring Cardiac and Electrodermal Responses of Emotional States and Their Persistence.Fabiana Silva Ribeiro, Flávia Heloísa Santos, Pedro Barbas Albuquerque & Patrícia Oliveira-Silva - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    La compassione secondo Leopardi.Fabiana Cacciapuoti - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Time-Perception Network and Default Mode Network Are Associated with Temporal Prediction in a Periodic Motion Task.Fabiana M. Carvalho, Khallil T. Chaim, Tiago A. Sanchez & Draulio B. de Araujo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Exploring Changes in Musical Behaviors of Caregivers and Children in Social Distancing During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Fabiana Silva Ribeiro, Thenille Braun Janzen, Luisiana Passarini & Patrícia Vanzella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had profound effects on all aspects of society. Families were among those directly impacted by the first measures imposed by health authorities worldwide to contain the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, where social distancing and mandatory quarantine were the main approaches implemented. Notably, little is yet known about how social distancing during COVID-19 has altered families' daily routines, particularly regarding music-related behaviors. The aim of this study was 2-fold: (i) to explore changes in (...)
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    Il tempo dell'altro in J. Derrida.Carla Amadio - 2012 - Torino: G. Giappichelli.
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    Authority of Moral Reason.Carla Bagnoli - 2011 - In Morality and the Emotions. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 62.
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  32. “Reason and Ethics”.Carla Bagnoli - 2012 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo, Reason and Rationality. Ontos Verlag.
  33.  19
    When is a real generic over L?Fabiana Castiblanco & Ralf Schindler - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (1):27-31.
    In this paper we isolate a new abstract criterion for when a given real x is generic over L in terms of being able to lift elementary embeddings of initial segments of L to.
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    Il re e la giustizia. Monarchia medievale e distribuzione dei poteri nel pensiero politico di Montesquieu.Fabiana Fraulini - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:689-704.
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  35. Hablar acerca de una causa ajena: ¿silenciamiento o comunidad epistémica?Carla Carmona & Ignacio Gómez-Ledo - 2024 - In Blanca Rodríguez Ruiz & Luísa Winter Pereira, Democracia no binaria. Reflexiones interdisciplinares sobre la des-sexualización de la ciudadanía. Granada: Comares. pp. 13-30.
    El impacto de los movimientos emancipatorios en las sociedades contemporáneas es incuestionable; alcanza incluso al ámbito académico, donde se busca comprender las experiencias que los motivan y se llega a tomar partido por sus causas. Sin embargo, estos movimientos están orientados a la consecución de derechos para identidades concretas, como las personas no binarias, de forma que se consiga paliar o incluso eliminar la situación de desigualdad que las oprime. Así, podría parecer que las causas de los grupos oprimidos resultan (...)
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    La escritura testimonial en Rodolfo Walsh: politización del arte y experiencia histórica.Fabiana Grasselli & Mariano Salomone - 2011 - Aisthesis 49:145-162.
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    Finding Philosophy in Plato’s Apology.Carla A. H. Johnson - 2016 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 2:44-62.
    Students in introductory philosophy courses bring with them varied preconceptions about philosophy and its place in their education and their lives. Rather than assuming we all agree on what it is we are doing when we do philosophy, it can be effective to problematize the discussion from the start. Plato’s Apology of Socrates is a useful tool for this. While interpreted by some philosophers as not particularly philosophical, recent approaches by Sellars and Peterson suggest that the Apology is rich with (...)
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  38. Estudos da linguagem na educação.Fabiana Kaodoinski - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (3):200-204.
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    Can Darwinian Inheritance Be Extended from Biology to Epistemology?Carla E. Kary - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:356 - 369.
    An attempt is made to answer this question by first analyzing the structure of Darwinian inheritance as it is exemplified in the current biological theory of evolution. Based on this analysis a generalized framework for Darwinian inheritance containing conditions which must be met by all proper Darwinian evolutionary theories is developed. Subsequently this framework is employed to assess, in part, the adequacy of Toulmin's evolutionary epistemology. Although Toulmin asserts that Darwinian inheritance operates in conceptual development, the framework is used to (...)
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  40.  13
    The Table and the Dancer: Transcultural Materialities in Theatre Play Still Out There.Carla J. Maier - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):75-79.
    This text analyses a scene from theatre play Still Out There by artist collective kainkollektiv, with special attention to the material-discursive entanglements of dancing body, table, and musical sound, exploring the performative construction of fictionalized places and imaginary spaces that challenge and transform catergories of ‘otherness’.
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    Power Without the State.Carla Pasquinelli - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (68):79-92.
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    Diálogo entre un vizcayno y un montañés sobre la fábrica de navíos. María Isabel Vicente Maroto.Carla Phillips - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):163-164.
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    Descritores bioquímicos em cultivares de algodoeiro em resposta à inoculação com Colletotrichum gossypii var. cephalosporioides.Fabiana A. C. Silva, Roseane C. Dos Santos, André de Azevedo Neto, Manuela M. C. Granja, Claudia C. F. De Souza & Péricles A. Melo Filho - 2010 - Tropical Plant Pathology 35 (2):114-118.
  44. ¿Cual democracia para América Latina?Fabiana Sorel - 2010 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (37):223-244.
    La democracia vista desde premisas filosóficas críticas es la forma de poder que incentiva una estrategia vigorosa que sostiene el régimen económico globalizado y enajena los derechos fundamentales. Se explica su inicio en la antigüedad griega y su resurgimiento en el siglo de las luces en Francia con Rousseau hasta anclarse en la política contemporánea como el régimen “de las mayorías” y “de la equidad socio política”. La democracia desde la modernidad se desarrolla en América Latina como régimen de una (...)
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  45. Caregivers' attitudes and practices: Influence on childhood body weight.Fabiana Silva Costa, Daisy Lopes Del Pino & Rogério Friedman - 2011 - Journal of Biosocial Science 43 (3):369-378.
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    The Group as a Source of Development: Rethinking Professional Development in a Collaborative Perspective.Fabiana Marques Barbosa Nasciutti, Nikolai Veresov & Ana Maria Falcão de Aragão - 2016 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 17 (1):86-108.
    Since the later decades of the 20 th century, Brazilian psychologists have been questioning a theoretical and interventional model in educational contexts, which consider psychological phenomena apart from their cultural contexts, in order to develop an approach based on a contextualized viewpoint. Despite progress having been made in educational psychology, as a result of this critical paradigm, this area still has problems to overcome: Psychologists are becoming increasingly separate from schools, and it is now common to find psychologists who are (...)
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  47. Machismo estrutural e suas manifestações cotidianas: um estudo sobre microagressões em espaços públicos e institucionais. (13th edition).Fabiana Brito - 2024 - Contribuiciones a Las Ciencias Sociales 17.
    O machismo estrutural, manifestado por microagressões no cotidiano, é um dos principais fatores que perpetuam a desigualdade de gênero. Essas microagressões, embora aparentemente inofensivas, reforçam estereótipos sexistas e consolidam uma hierarquia de poder entre os gêneros. O estudo, através da metodologia fundamentada em análise bibliográfica comparativa, aponta que, por serem naturalizadas, essas práticas afetam o bem-estar psicológico e social das mulheres e dificultam mudanças estruturais em prol da equidade. A cultura histórica de submissão feminina contribui para a segregação ocupacional e (...)
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  48. Atração fora da lei: a complexidade da hibristofilia e sua relação com o crime.Fabiana Brito - 2024 - Revista Fórum de Ciências Criminais 22:117-130.
    O presente artigo aborda os principais aspectos da hibristofilia com objetivo de ampliar a compreensão do fenômeno na sociedade e ressaltar sua importância para psicologia clínica e forense, criminologia e políticas de saúde mental, sobretudo para mulheres. A pesquisa foi realizada por revisão bibliográfica pautada nos conceitos de serial killer, parafilia e hibristofilia: atração sentimental e sexual por criminosos violentos, que atinge em maior parte as mulheres heterossexuais.
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    Visual.vs. phonemic contributions to the importance of the initial letter in word identification.Carla J. Posnansky & Keith Rayner - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (3):188-190.
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    Preserving levels of projective determinacy by tree forcings.Fabiana Castiblanco & Philipp Schlicht - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (4):102918.
    We prove that various classical tree forcings—for instance Sacks forcing, Mathias forcing, Laver forcing, Miller forcing and Silver forcing—preserve the statement that every real has a sharp and hence analytic determinacy. We then lift this result via methods of inner model theory to obtain level-by-level preservation of projective determinacy (PD). Assuming PD, we further prove that projective generic absoluteness holds and no new equivalence classes are added to thin projective transitive relations by these forcings.
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